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General Terms


The process of converting something into revenue. This may be an even, object or a transaction; in pop culture the most prominent example is YouTube content. In a company, when a product is monetized, it means that the company has started selling it.

Native Mobile Development

Refers to using the native language of the platform (Objective-C on iOS, and Java on Android) in the machine code, leading to reliable, high-performance applications. The result of it is a ‘native app’, built from scratch for a specific platform.

Network programming

Computer network programming involves writing computer programs that enable processes to communicate with each other across a computer network.


The construction, design, and usage of a network, including selection of communication protocol and managing the network. Networking technology facilitates data exchange between different information systems, for example, sending documents via e-mail.


Stands for Network Time Protocol. A networking protocol for clock synchronization within computer systems and data networks. NTP synchronizes the devices with UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) using a modified Marzullo’s algorithm.


Stands for Online Analytical Processing. OLAP is a technology used in Business Intelligence (BI) applications, which allows complex calculations, data modeling, trend analysis, and other manipulations of business data. Implementations of the technology include dynamic reporting, medical institution activities, forecasting solutions, etc.

Online Marketplace

A type of e-commerce website. A platform for multiple third parties to offer products or services. The marketplace facilitates communication between customers and vendors/services, and transactions are processed by the marketplace operator.

Online Marketing

Online marketing (digital marketing) is the practice of leveraging web-based channels to spread a message about a company’s brand, products, or services to its potential customers.

Open Source

A software development model, that is decentralized and encourages open collaboration. Any program whose source code is freely available to the public. Unlike commercial software, they can be used and modified by anyone and are often developed as a community rather than by a single organization.


Short for Open Graphics Library. A cross-language, cross-platform API  for developing 2D and 3D graphics applications. It is used in CAD, video games, virtual reality and other visualisations. The software also offers a set of functions for special effects, rendering and texture mapping.


Stands for Object-Relational Mapping. A programming technique that allows to address, access and manipulate objects without having to consider how those objects relate to their data sources. Basically, the data can be converted between incompatible type systems (e.g., variables, functions).


Short for Online Travel Agency. ​Travel websites that provide online planning and booking facilities for hotels, airlines, cars and other travel related services to users.​ OTA type websites allow customers to make reservations and pay for them via standard online payment methods.


Stands for Open Web Application Security Project. An open community that provides free tools, documentation and other sources of improving application security. The community also offers support to companies in developing, maintaining and operating applications that can be trusted.

Parallel computing

Parallel computing is a type of computation in which many calculations or the execution of processes are carried out simultaneously.


Software code in a compiler or interpreter, a special-purpose program, that performs a syntactic analysis of a string of symbols in a natural or computer language, based on formal rules. There are two types of parsers, top-down and bottom-up, depending on the element it starts the analysis with.


The process of analyzing strings of symbols in a natural or computer language (a piece of text or program code). In a natural language, the purpose is to identify parts of speech in a sentence and connections between them. In a source code - to identify code component to facilitate the work of a compiler or interpreter.

PCB design

Printed circuit board (PCB) design brings your electronic circuits to life in the physical form. Using layout software, the PCB design process combines component placement and routing to define electrical connectivity on a manufactured circuit board.

Performance tuning

Performance tuning is the improvement of system performance.


Stands for Product Lifecycle Management. A systematic approach in software development. It is used to manage the stages a product goes through, from its design and development to its ultimate retirement or disposal. It has four stages: conceive, design, realise and service.


A software component that is installed onto a program, giving it the authority to perform additional features. It makes other apps customizable (e.g., scanning for viruses, search, use a non-standard video player). Users can also personalize the look of an app.


Short for Point of Interest. ​Points on the map (GPS coordinates with descriptions) that you are interested in and want to store. Mobile users can also be provided with recommendations of relevant to POI places, based on geolocation data.


Stands for Point of Sale. A computerized terminal that is a replacement for a cash register. It has the ability to record and track customer orders, process credit and debit cards, connect to other systems in a network. POS can be physical (in stores, hotels, etc.) and online.


Pay-per-click (PPC) is a type of online advertising where you only pay when somebody clicks on your ad.

Problem solving

Problem solving consists of using generic or ad hoc methods in an orderly manner to find solutions to problems. 

Proprietary Software

Type of intellectual property, owned by a company, an individual or a group of developers (usually the one that developed it). Usually, it has major use restrictions, and its source code is almost always kept secret. The owner retains patent or copyright.

Development by Synergize.digital

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