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An IDE used for developing iOS/macOS apps. AppCode natively supports Objective-C, Swift, C and C++, as well as JavaScript, XML, HTML, CSS and XPath.

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First released 2000
Developed by JetBrains
Latest stable version AppCode 2022.1
Open-source Yes
Used by Twitter, Adobe, Citrix, ThoughtWorks

Interesting facts

AppCode is JetBrains’s attempt to supplant Xcode. JetBrains provides a variety of developer tools across a multitude of platforms, so their resume is strong for creating a competitor to Apple’s Xcode. AppCode uses the same project model and project file, and synchronizes all changes with Xcode. You can work simultaneously in both IDEs, make changes and jump back and forth – AppCode will make sure that everything is synchronized and up to date.

Development by Synergize.digital

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