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3D Touch

A pressure sensitive technology Apply introduced in iPhone 6s and 6s Plus devices running iOS 9. With 3D Touch, an iPhone app is now able to not only tell that the user is touching the device's screen, but it is able to sense how deeply users press the display, letting do the things they do most often, faster and in fewer steps as well as preview all kinds of content and even act on it without having to actually open it.

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First released 2015
Developed by Apple
Used by Dropbox, Instagram, Twitter

Interesting facts

Apple developed 3D Touch as an evolution of its Force Touch and Multi-Touch capabilities that were introduced in earlier iPhone and Apple products, adding features like "Peek" and "Pop" with 3D Touch to the existing Multi-Touch Tap, Swipe and Pinch gestures.

Development by Synergize.digital

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