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Apache Flink

A general-purpose data processing platform and a top-level Apache project. It provides efficient, fast, accurate, and fault tolerant handling of massive streams of events. Flink is usable for dozens of big data scenarios and capable of running in standalone modeIts defining feature is its ability to process streaming data in real time.

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First released 2016
Developed by Apache Software Foundation
Open-source Yes
Used by Alibaba, Capital One, Ericsson, Zalando

Interesting facts

Apache Flink started off as an academic open source project and back then, it was known as Stratosphere. In 2014, it was accepted as an Apache Incubator project and renamed to Apache Flink. The name Flink means agile.

Currently, the project has more than 12 thousand commits and over 350 contributors.

Development by Synergize.digital

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